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Musings from the Smalls Room by Snickers (an adventurous young pig)

As I write this several of my friends in the room are breaking out their bathing suits, 80 degrees this weekend and we are ready!!

The usual gang is still in residence, myself, Fudge, Drumstick, Slick, and Shamrock. We have few newish bunnies, Bran, Daisy and Lucinda, all are just patiently waiting for their moment to shine. On the piggie front we have Kim and Katie (our only baby), PigPig and Nellie, and Bailey looking for that someone special. Sometimes we have pigs that go into foster situations due to health or age issues, and this was the case with Abbott, he is now living out his best life with a shelter angel who also happens to have two other piggies she adopted from us. Gus and Happy both found homes in the last couple of weeks so we wish them all the best, two of our baby guinea pigs also just went to new homes. So there is movement in the room it is just not super fast.

So, what to talk about this week.

Now you know we are exotic, perhaps it is time to show you just how fun we can be … I bet you didn’t know that we can be trained to do just as many tricks as those dogs and cats in your lives! The video shows you just some of the tricks we are capable of learning, I mean let’s face it we will do more or less anything for some yummy treats. I must add that the video is not one of us, but with time and patience I am sure that we could learn a trick or two. We make great pets, but like any animal the more you interact with us the friendlier we will be. I am sure I have mentioned before that we are considered prey animals and unfortunately that means we come preprogrammed with an innate ability to run away and hide. This doesn’t mean we don’t love a cuddle, my buddy Gus will attest to that, he was super fond of a great head rub and back massage. It just means that you need to talk to us, helping us become more familiar with you and our new surroundings. The more you handle us, the more comfortable we will become, and before you know it we will be shooting hoops together.

Before I forget I should give a shout out to Cami, a gorgeous little parakeet, who was briefly residing with us in the smalls room. She can now be found by the front desk, space was getting a bit tight in here what with all the bunny pens, so she relocated. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t part of the gang. So, if you are looking for a little bit of sunshine in your life she is definitely for you.

Lots of spring activity around here, there is some kind of cat litter challenge going on. I think the Fed Ex delivery guy is not going to need the gym any time soon with all those bags of litter that arrive every day. We have our monthly bake sale, the upcoming plant sale and of course we are part of a big event in Norton at the end of June. As always we welcome any fresh veggies (thank you to all those that generously provided romaine, parsley and carrots for us when we were all out last week) you can send our way, hay is lovely too. We currently have an ample supply of dry food. The needs and wants of a shelter seem always to be great, but the fact is that it takes a lot to care and feed us 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Our numbers may ebb and flow, but we always need to be fed, housed and watered. I am sure I will have lots of updates in the coming weeks, please share our stories with your friends and family. The more people know that we are here the more chances we have of finding that perfect home.